Training Pastoral Counsellors for HIV/AIDS Care and Support in South Africa: Perspectives from Post Foundationalism, Contextual and Narrative Therapy

Main Article Content

WA Den Hollander Den Hollander
MI Kasiram


This article describes part of a doctoral study that developed a training
programme for pastoral counselors for assisting persons infected with and
affected by HIV and AIDS. The Intervention and Research Intervention
Research Model (IRM) as developed by Rothman and Thomas (in De Vos et
al. 2001) was used as the research paradigm and followed the steps of review
of pertinent literature that served to inform the development of and
implementation of the product (the training programme).
This article is thus based on these two steps: firstly the literature that
was considered relevant in guiding the development of the training
programme, in this instance, post foundationlism, contextual and narrative
therapy and secondly, the pilot programme itself which used Muller’s (2003)
post foundational framework, to accommodate its refinement and ongoing
development as a product.


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How to Cite
Den Hollander, W. D. H., & Kasiram, M. (2013). Training Pastoral Counsellors for HIV/AIDS Care and Support in South Africa: Perspectives from Post Foundationalism, Contextual and Narrative Therapy. Alternation Journal, (11), 237-254. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

WA Den Hollander Den Hollander

Family Therapist and Trainer

MI Kasiram, University of KwaZulu-Natal

School of Social Work and Community Development Howard College University of KwaZulu-Natal


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