Developing Business Models for Using Mobile Phones to Strengthen Preventative Healthcare in South Africa

  • Frans Snyders Department of Industrial Engineering Stellenbosch University
  • Liezl Van Dyk Department of Industrial Engineering Stellenbosch University
Keywords: telemedicine, mobile health, public health, wireless technology, public health informatics


Background: South Africa’s health sector has not yet shown enough improvement to reach the Millennium Development Goals related to health. One of the problem areas is the low infant and child vaccination coverage in certain areas of South Africa. The use of mobile phones in health care (mHealth) has the potential to strengthen the primary health care system through improved information management.

Objectives: Possible business models are to be proposed for a mobile health solution for vaccination (MHSV) within the public health sector of South Africa.

Methods: Osterwalder and Pigneur’s business model canvas are applied to an MHSV, with the support of literature. Findings are validated through interviews with experts in relevant fields.

Results: Business models were developed for the public and private sectors. The possible effect of the National Health Insurance (NHI) on these models was also predicted.

Conclusions: Buy-in from multiple stakeholders is required, together with a client that will provide funding for the development of the MHSV.


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How to Cite
Snyders, F., & Van Dyk, L. (2014). Developing Business Models for Using Mobile Phones to Strengthen Preventative Healthcare in South Africa. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 2(1), 12-18. Retrieved from
Original Research