Telemedicine use and satisfaction among Filipinos during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keywords: telemedicine, COVID 19, patient satisfaction, telehealth, Philippines, videoconference


Introduction: There is limited knowledge on telemedicine use and patient satisfaction in the Philippines, especially during COVID-19. Aim: To examine visit-related characteristics of two years of video consultations conducted during the pandemic, patient satisfaction, and identified patient- and visit-related characteristics associated with video consultation satisfaction scores. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of telemedicine use and satisfaction of patients aged ≥18y, who had a video consultation between 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2022, using the SeeYouDoc (SYD) platform. As part of SYD’s routine oversight, after each video consultation, SYD a 6-item feedback survey was automatically prompted which assessed the patient’s level of comfort during the encounter, their perception of the convenience of telemedicine, the acceptability of the lack of physical contact during the consult, presence of privacy-related concerns, overall satisfaction, and their intention to use teleconsultation again. Each item was evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale with 5 as the highest score. These scores were collected, and t-test and ANOVA were employed to measure the differences in mean telemedicine satisfaction scores. Results: 12,378 telemedicine visits were conducted from 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2022 and patient feedback was received from1,896 patients (15.3%). The mean age of the respondents was 34.7±12.3y. The majority were females (83.1%), new SYD telemedicine patients (69.1%), and in the 26-39y age group (57.0%). Satisfaction with telemedicine was expressed by 73.8%, 63.4% were highly satisfied while 26.2% reported dissatisfaction. Mean telemedicine satisfaction scores were significantly higher among patients who had their telemedicine visit in 2021 (x̄=4.7±0.92) compared to 2020 (x̄=3.4±1.75) and 2022 (x̄=4.3±1.32), p<0.001. Patients aged 60-79 years old had a higher mean satisfaction score compared to other age groups, p=0.014. Higher mean telemedicine satisfaction scores were observed among male patients, those with completed video consultations, and patients who paid for their consultation, p<0.001. Conclusion: We observed high patient satisfaction with telemedicine during COVID-19. Filipino patients and families consider telemedicine a viable medium to receive healthcare services.


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Author Biographies

Noel Gary Ello Del Castillo, MTM, Seeyoudoc Corp.

Project Leader - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Founder and CEO - SeeYouDoc Corp

Patrick Joshua Gerolaga, SeeYouDoc Corp.

Project Manager - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Abegail Jayne Amoranto, SeeYouDoc Corp.

Research Consultant - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Vanessa Del Castillo, MBA, SeeYouDoc Corp.

Project Coordinator - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Co-founder and CFO - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Arnulfo Jr. Rosario, MD, MPH, SeeYouDoc Corp.

Project Director - SeeYouDoc Corp.

Co-founder and CMMO - SeeYouDoc Corp.


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How to Cite
Del Castillo, N. G., Gerolaga, P., Amoranto, A., Del Castillo, V., & Rosario, A. J. (2022). Telemedicine use and satisfaction among Filipinos during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 10, e6 (1-10).
Original Research