Remote Medical Education in Indonesia: Analysis of 10 Years of Activities

Keywords: telemedicine, medical education, distance learning, Indonesia, videoconferencing


Introduction: With ongoing development of technology, and especially amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is rapidly increasing need for remote communications, including in the field of medical education. This study aimed to evaluate our telemedicine activities between Japan and Indonesia. Methods: We retrospectively analysed the data acquired for the period 2010–2019 inclusive, looking at number of programmes, content, participating sites, and videoconferencing systems. We also digitally sent questionnaires to attendees to request their evaluation of image quality and programmes. Results: There were a total 135 programmes, with 29 participating institutions in Indonesia. The number of programmes increased rapidly in 2017, following a rapid increase of participating sites in 2016. Programmes included endoscopy (50 programmes, 37%), neurology (25, 19%), and dentistry (12, 9%). Between 5 and 10 sites connected with 81 programmes (60% of all), and more than 10 sites with 33 (24%). The most commonly used videoconferencing system was Vidyo (108, 80%), followed by Zoom (15, 11%). Participating institutions were located among 19 cities on the five major islands. Image quality received a favourable evaluation from 98% (504/516) of questionnaire respondents, with 100% (400/400) holding a favourable view of the programmes. Conclusion: Remote medical education expanded in Indonesia in the 10 years under review. This expansion is expected to continue to foster more specialists and it is anticipated to improve medical care nationwide.


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Author Biography

Shuji Shimizu, Kyushu University Hospital


Telemedicine Development Center of Asia


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How to Cite
Shimizu, S., Tomimatsu, S., Kudo, K., Ueda, S., Kekalih, A., Makmun, D., Estiasari, R., Oki, A., & Moriyama, T. (2020). Remote Medical Education in Indonesia: Analysis of 10 Years of Activities. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 8, e6 (1-6).
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