eHealth Equity: Current Perspectives

  • Hamid Moghaddasi Associate Professor in Health information Management and Medical Informatics, Department of Health Information Technology and Management,College of Paramedical Sciences,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
  • Masoud Amanzadeh Ph.D Student in Medical Informatics, Department of Health Information Technology and Managemen,College of Paramedical Sciences,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
  • Forough Rahimi Assistant Professor,College of Paramedical Sciences,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
  • Mahnaz Hamedan Ph.D Student in Health Information Management, Department of Health Information Technology and Managemen,College of Paramedical Sciences,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Keywords: eHealth, health inequality, health equity, health justicee


Health justice is something that every country in the world needs. However, the existence of health disparities among different social groups and geographical regions in various countries of the world is inevitable. These health inequalities are a major obstacle in achieving health justice. There are a number of factors affecting health equity such as socio-economic status, education level, age, religion, geographical position, racial and ethnical differences, gender minorities, environmental factors, accessibility level to healthcare services and resources, and also the quality of healthcare. Although eHealth has the potential of eliminating health inequalities leading to the establishment of health justice, it is essential that governments and health policy makers provide some measures to diminish major barriers facing the society members especially the elderly, poor, uneducated, and disabled people when implementing it. This can result in attaining the advantages of eHealth for establishing health equity.


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How to Cite
Moghaddasi, H., Amanzadeh, M., Rahimi, F., & Hamedan, M. (2017). eHealth Equity: Current Perspectives. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 5, e9 (1-8). Retrieved from