Developing a Cohort Web Application: Real-time Monitoring of Breastfeeding Indicators

Keywords: Telehealth, Web Application, Nursing, Breastfeeding, Cohort, Brazil


Investing in the development of methodologies for timely intervention in breastfeeding practices that provide improved indicators and prolong breastfeeding duration positively impacts the health of women and children. Aim: To develop children cohort data capture interface of a national reference institution for high foetal, neonatal and child risk from birth, covering all hospitalisation up to the second year of life for real-time monitoring of breastfeeding indicators and prevalence. Methods: Four primary criteria were considered: data security (specific permissions for different profiles and encryption of sensitive data), researcher time streamlining, data quality and construction of data export auxiliary tools. Results: A web-based tool for data collection using a mobile device or computer was developed. The tool successfully allowed the ongoing collection for a defined population cohort of measures related to breastfeeding: maternal factors, child-related factors, health service issues, nipple use, introduction of fluids and other processed foods, as well as breastfeeding practice. Conclusion: The developed product enables the validated extraction and collation of data from existing electronic records and other sources for the monitoring of breastfeeding practices. Such data can be used to refine guidelines and individual behaviour to maximise the benefits of breastfeeding and  avoid early weaning.


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Author Biographies

Maíra Domingues Bernardes Silva, Human Milk Bank at Fernandes Figueira Nacional Institute for Women, Children and Adolescent Health (IFF), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)

Pediatric Nurse, PhD candidate in Epidemiology and Assistance Coordinator of the Human Milk Bank at Fernandes Figueira Nacional Institute for Women, Children and Adolescent Health (IFF), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

João Aprígio Guerra de Almeida, Coordinator of the Global Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH), Brazil

PhD. Coordinator of the Global Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH), Brazil

Enirtes Caetano Prates Melo, Nurse. PhD. Epidemiologist at National School of Public Health (FIOCRUZ), Brazil

Nurse. Epidemiologist at National School of Public Health (FIOCRUZ), Brazil




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How to Cite
Silva, M., de Almeida, J. A., Melo, E., & Leite, V. (2020). Developing a Cohort Web Application: Real-time Monitoring of Breastfeeding Indicators. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 8, e20 (1-6).
Special Theme : Telehealth in Nursing