Focus and Scope

JISfTeH is an official journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth whose stated mission is to "Facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth and provide access to recognized experts in the field worldwide."

JISfTeH is a peer reviewed, open access, online journal that seeks to publish information on all aspects of eHealth activity and research from around the World.

Its primary focus is on original research, critical reviews, preliminary communications and case reports. All of which undergo peer review. Scientific letters and letters to the editor are also welcomed.

JISfTeH encourages  submission of  preliminary communications and short reports from developing countries.

Papers are published online immediately on acceptance of the final galley proofs to ensure rapid access to new work.

All work is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY International Licence.

The language of the Journal is English.


Publication is free. There are no charges for submission, article processing or publishing.

Peer Review Process

All papers submitted to JISfTeH will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers (Editorial Board members, Section Editors, and/or invited reviewers with expertise in the subject matter).

The typical time taken to conduct review is four weeks.

Reviewers and editors are obliged to retain the contents as privileged and confidential until publication. The Editor will have final authority over an article's suitability for publication.

Publication Frequency

There is one issue a year. JISfTeH will publish all accepted submissions online after approval of the final galley proof. On publication they will be added to the Table of Contents of the current issue.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All work is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY International Licence.


The authors retain copyright of their work.


This journal is published using the PKP Open Journal System v3.1.1.2. Archiving software is under development for this version and all papers will be archived in the PKP Private Network when it becomes available.


The Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth is hosted by:

Sources of Support

International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth.

Journal History

The Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth was started in 2013 to meet the need to disseminate more information on eHealth activities around the World.