Resident's Compliance With Colonia Planning Regulations In Periurban Area Of Ibadan, Nigeria

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Umar Usman Jimoh
D K Olagunju


The present planning standard in Nigeria is with a colonial footprint. The study examined resident’s compliance with planning regulations in peri – urban of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey research design was adopted while both primary and secondary data were sourced. Using a multistage sampling technique, two peri-urban local Government areas (Ido and Oluyole local government) in Ibadan region were identified and two settlements (Apete and Odo Ona Elewe) were randomly selected from each selected LGAs. A total of 7,170 houses from Apete (3,500) and Odo Ona elewe (3,670) were enumerated and 3% (215) sample size was taken. Observation checklist was used to assess the level of compliance with the planning regulations. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (chi square) were used to analyse the data at P ≥ = 0.05%. The study revealed that about 75.3 % of the respondents were aware of the planning regulation, while only 58.6% complied with the building setback regulation. The study concluded that planning regulations have not been given adequate attention. Therefore, planning standard relating to building should be strictly enforced.


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