African Thought: A Journal of Afro-centric Knowledge is a South African based journal in the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. This journal publishes articles that are mainly on African indigenous knowledge systems from a multidisciplinary perspective as well as from a comparative perspective with other world knowledge systems. In its orientation, the journal is multidisciplinary as it encourages scholarly reflection on African indigenous knowledge systems across the disciplines. As a journal that is primarily concerned with African indigenous knowledge systems, it also encourages scholarly reflection on the application of these indigenous knowledge systems in various spheres of life, e.g. African politics, religion, theology, ethics, psychology, philosophy, economics, history, sociology, anthropology, science, medicine, ecological conservation, the natural environment, etc. This journal has been envisaged as a forum on which to revisit the promotion of Afro-centric knowledge, an area of study which has been neglected for so long in many scholarly discourses in Africa and about Africa. Whilst the knowledge that has been disseminated and taught at African tertiary institutions has been largely Western oriented or Eurocentric, this journal aims to correct this discrepancy by giving an opportunity for a direct scholarly reflection on the advancement of Afro-centric knowledge.
African Thought: A Journal of Afro-centric Knowledge (ATJACK)
ISSN -Print: 2789-3391 ISSN –
ISSN -Online: 2789-9306
BIBLIOTOS Publications-
University of KwaZulu-Natal - Centre for Constructive Theology
Journal Editor
Prof Herbert Moyo (PhD)
Religious Practices in Africa
Academic Leader - Research @UKZN-SRPC
University of KwaZulu-Natal
School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics
P/B X01, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
South Africa.
Bus Tel: +27 (0) 33 260 5574
Bus Fax: +27 (0) 33 260 5858
Mobile: +27 72918 2432
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